Wednesday 4 May 2011

Creating a Poster

Crating a Poster was not an easy task it took me long time to resarch some movies and to find a right look a like cover to the mine. i have started of looking at some movies such as:

• Saw 3
• Crazies
• Psycho
• Wrong Turn
• The Grudge
• The Ring

These are the major movie poster i have looked at and i took some ideas from. It was not simple to do this as i had my own idea in my head and seeing all this posters it helped me put my idea together.

Saw 3

Saw 3 poster gave the expression that a major thing is that the face is shown at the front cover and its reli emphisesed. this gave me a some idea what my cover will look like.


Crazies gave me the right idea of what i need to do. this poster gave me that simple poster looks even nicer and more attractive than the one with lots of writting on it. I also like the mask in the middle and the shadow of the other person on the red eye. alo the way the shadow is covering some part of the mask. This poster really made me confident in making the simple poster.


I didnt particulary like this poster but one thig i liked abou it is that hole with blood on it. It gives u right connotations of what movie is all about. Also the knife in the picture and the old house shiw me that isimporant to show the right connotations so you attract the right audiance for your movie.

Wrong Turn

This poster is covered in blood and death scenario. this poster gave me an idea of how i should put the main two characters in the poster. my idea was just to put the main character and make it as simple as possible.

The Grudge

The Grudge made a complite picture for me. I was impressed by this poster as its really simple and it makes an effect on the audiance. This poster is really eye catching. The bit that i like the most is the face in the middle with the small writting a side. This poster looks like a real poster for a good horror movie. I aslo like the fact that is really simple.

The Ring

This poster just amazed me with its simplisity and how they thought thy will attract thair audiance to see the movie. The poster its really ambiguous.

Now i will show how i crated my poster and the steps i have done to crate my poster. It was quite complicated to crate a poster as it was so many little things that had to be edited, cut out and put in right place.

Now im gona show my Sketch 1

This is mine first draft of my poster. I have taken this picture with the main character, i have given him the the mask to wear put the mask next to the light in the really dark enviroment to make easier for me to crop. when i inserted the picture i have put it on the black background. for the title i have gone on the internet and found the right Fond for it and copy and paste it onto the layer. The stars i have found on the internet as well but the text i have insreted on my own. My idea so far is to keep as simple as possible.

Sketch 2

This is my second draft. Compare to my frist draft i added the text. This is becouse i thought my other design was too simple. I added this text to make sense with the title aslo i have added credits for the studios, directors etc. as well. Im not happy with the text and the way its layed out. Which i thought i have to change that. Also i tryed puting the red colour in the text to make it more entertaining and eye catching but it didnt really work out.

Final Design Sketch 3

This is my final design i have changed the text compare to the other design i have changed the text also i have deleted the red colour in the letters and made the JUSTICE bigger. my main focus was to make it as simple as possible which in my view i have managed to do. Not as simple as the poster for ''The Grudge'' above which was my main priority to make it look like that but at the end i thought it would look to simple. I think that poster now its attractive and will suduce the audiance to come and see the movie which is the main purpose of the poster.

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